2017  Treffer
  • 13M057-70, MDIS5 Windows driver (MEN) for M57 and P6

    13M057-70 MDIS5 Windows driver (MEN) for M57 and P6 MDIS5 Windows driver (MEN) for M57 and P6 MDIS5 Windows driver (MEN) for M57 and P6 duagon Germany general licensing conditions

  • 13M057-06, MDIS5 low-level driver sources (MEN) for M57 and P6

    13M057-06 MDIS5 low-level driver sources (MEN) for M57 and P6 MDIS5 low-level driver sources (MEN) for M57 and P6 MDIS5 low-level driver sources (MEN) for M57 and P6 duagon Germany general licensing c

  • 23CB30-00, SIL 2 railway certification package according to EN 5012x for CB30 and CB30C

    23CB30-00 SIL 2 railway certification package according to EN 5012x for CB30 and CB30C This CB30/CB30C certification package includes a user guide, a detailed hardware description, functional safety c

  • 10F014-60, VxWorks BSP (duagon) for F14 and D601

    10F014-60 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for F14 and D601 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for F14 and D601 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for F14 and D601 duagon Germany general licensing conditions

  • 23F075P00, SIL 4 railway certification package according to EN 5012x for F75P

    23F075P00 SIL 4 railway certification package according to EN 5012x for F75P This F75P certification package includes a user guide, a detailed hardware description, functional safety concepts, the SIL

  • 10MM50-60, VxWorks BSP (duagon) for MM50

    10MM50-60 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for MM50 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for MM50 VxWorks BSP (duagon) for MM50 duagon Germany general licensing conditions

  • 10F019P60, VxWorks 6.7 BSP (MEN) for F19P

    10F019P60 VxWorks 6.7 BSP (MEN) for F19P VxWorks 6.7 BSP (MEN) for F19P VxWorks 6.7 BSP (MEN) for F19P duagon Germany general licensing conditions

  • 10F019P41, QNX 6.5.0 BSP for F19P and XM2

    10F019P41 QNX 6.5.0 BSP for F19P and XM2 QNX 6.5.0 BSP for F19P and XM2 QNX 6.5.0 BSP (QNX and MEN) for F19P and XM2 Third Party

  • 10A021-60, VxWorks 6.8 and 6.9 BSP (duagon) for A21B and A21C

    10A021-60 VxWorks 6.8 and 6.9 BSP (duagon) for A21B and A21C (Support Discontinued) This board support package supports VxWorks version 6.8 and 6.9 on the VMEbus CPU boards A21B and A21C from duagon.

  • 16P599-00, Nios PMC USM FPGA Development Package (MEN)

    16P599-00 Nios PMC USM FPGA Development Package (MEN) Nios® PMC USM FPGA Development Package (MEN) Nios PMC USM FPGA Development Package (MEN) (without Altera Quartus II) (license included in PMC USM