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  • Electronic component manufacturer for medical devices

    Customized electronics for medical devices Reliable electronics for electro-medical devices and systems As a leading manufacturer of electronic components for medical devices, we design and develop cu

  • Medizinische Computer


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  • duagon - Leading the Embedded Future

    Eingebettete Elektronik & Dienstleistungen Interne und externe Bahnanwendungen Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Bereitstellung von Hochleistungsrechnern, Echtzeit-Kommunikationssystemen und Steuerungssy

  • Medical-Grade Products

    Branchen   ▸   Medizinische Computer

    Home Branchen Medizinische Computer Medical-Grade Products TAILORED MEDICAL DEVICES AND SINGLE BOARD COMPUTERS FOR USE IN STERILE HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTS Medical computers used in vital applications s

  • Internationaler Vertrieb

    Internationaler Vertrieb Gemeinsam finden wir die passende Lösung für Ihre Anwendung! duagon hat Vertriebs- und Entwicklungsstandorte in über acht Ländern. Unsere Vertriebsteams stehen Ihnen beratend

  • Medical Grade Computer Boards and Systems

    Branchen   ▸   Medizinische Computer

    Home Branchen Medizinische Computer Medical Computer Technology MEDICAL GRADE COMPUTER BOARDS AND SYSTEMS FOR VITAL HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS Rugged, compact, FPGA-based designs for electro-medical devi

  • Applications and Examples

    Branchen   ▸   Medizinische Computer

    Home Branchen Medizinische Computer Applications and Examples ROBUST COMPUTERS AND EMBEDDED BOARDS FOR USE IN MEDICAL APPLICATIONS Medical grade computer boards and systems for sterile healthcare envi

  • Branchen

    BRANCHEN Home Branchen Railway and Transportation Complete product portfolio for railway and transportation applications Mehr Medical Technology Medical-Grade Computer Boards and Systems Mehr Modular

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    Branchen   ▸   Medizinische Computer

    Home Branchen Medizinische Computer Thank you We have received your message! Thank you for contacting us and for your interest in our products. One of our sales team will contact you shortly. In the m

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