Communication Based Train Control System
Countries | Spain and Singapore
Sector | Subway
The execution of the CBTC project has entailed the implementation of state-of-the-art traffic control and subway automation technologies, as well as the latest techniques in digital radio transmission. Train controlling based on CBTC communication is the solution for every kind of public transportation and suburban railway, and it is already being implemented in the major cities of the world.
The Communication Based Train Control system (CBTC) is an automated and continuous monitoring process, based on smart communication between trains and the control center, that enables monitoring and management of the line’s capacity, thus allowing more trains running at higher speeds in a shorter period of time safely
Each train transmits its precise location to the command post periodically and every few seconds. With the location of all trains, the command post calculates in real time the distance that each train is authorized to travel safely. This way, trains run at higher frequency not requiring lineside signaling.
Work Done
System testing, integration testing, validation, and security. Integration tests of type HOST (simulated environment) and TARGET (real environment in the lab).
These tasks are performed on the most critical CBTC systems that are ATP(Automatic Train Protection)and ATO (Automatic Train Operation).
Non-critical CBTC systems such as LTMS (Locomotive Train Management System) and Driver Machine Interface (DMI) perform support functions consisting of code modifications and subsequent verification.
Software architecture, design, development and verification engineering.